Fault code P0610 – control module vehicle options error

Fault code P0610 is called “Control Module Vehicle Options Error” but in different programs it may be called differently. This fault designation applies to all vehicles equipped with OBD-II.

Technical description and explained code P0610

OBD-II fault code P0610 means that the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) has detected an internal control module fault. The fault is related to the part of the PCM that recognizes, monitors and controls specific vehicle options.

Fault code P0610 – control module vehicle options error

Each time the ignition is turned on and power is applied to the PCM, the controller self-tests. In addition to performing internal controller self-tests, the Controller Area Network (CAN) also compares signals from each individual module. To ensure that the different controllers are communicating properly.

If the PCM does not recognize the vehicle’s equipment parameters, code P0610 will be stored and the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) may illuminate. An error will also be displayed if certain features do not match the vehicle ID number.

Depending on the perceived severity of the fault, it may take several failure cycles for the MIL to illuminate.

Symptoms of vehicle malfunctions

The main signal that an error P0610 has occurred is the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is also known as the CheckEngine Light.

It can also be warning signs such as:

  1. The “Check engine” control lamp on the control panel will light up (the code will be stored as a fault).
  2. Other related trouble codes may also be present.
  3. Problems with engine operation.
  4. Uneven gear shifting of the (automatic) transmission.
  5. Increased fuel consumption.

Internal control unit codes should always be taken seriously. A stored P0610 code can lead to a variety of vehicle handling problems, including the inability to start the engine.

Factors that can cause this error code

The error code P0610 can mean that one or more of the following problems have occurred:

  • Faulty PCM module.
  • PCM programming error.
  • Defective PCM power supply.
  • Bad grounding of control module.
  • Open or shorted circuit or connectors in CAN bus harness.

How to fix or reset OBD-2 code P0610

Some suggested steps for troubleshooting and fix the error code P0610:

  1. Inspect the wiring for damage, abrasions, breaks, and shorts. If the wiring is damaged, repair or replace it.
  2. Disconnect and test each CAN bus pin with a special diagnostic scanner.
  3. Inspect and check the fuse and fusible link.
  4. Check the wiring diagram of the relay and fuse system.
  5. If the problem persists, the PCM may need to be replaced and reprogrammed.

Diagnose and repair of problems

Diagnosing a P0610 code can be a daunting task for even the most experienced and well-equipped technician. However, there are a few preliminary tests that can be performed before calling for service to replace the PCM.

Start with a visual inspection of all visible wires and harnesses associated with the vehicle’s controllers. Using a multimeter, check the ground to the engine and bodywork to make sure they are OK.

Battery connection

To rule out all possibilities of fault P0610, you should visually inspect the wiring, check the voltage on the battery. You should also check the battery terminals and cables for loose connections.

Ensure that the system voltage is as specified in the manual. The charging system is fully operational and the battery is in good condition, begin the diagnostic procedure.

Further verification

Locate the ECM / PCM and inspect it for damage caused by water, heat or collision. If the PCM is damaged, especially by water, it is likely out of service and needs to be replaced.

Next, check the fuses and relays on the ECM / PCM power supply. Inspect and replace the blown fuses as well as the relay connector.

If the ECM / PCM power supply code is also present along with fault P0610, correct it first before troubleshooting this fault.

After the tests are done, recheck the error, if the error is still present, the ECM / PCM module is most likely defective. Replacing the ECM / PCM or any other controller usually requires reprogramming for the specific vehicle.

On which vehicles does this problem occur most frequently

Fault code P0610 can occur on different vehicles but there are statistics on which brands this occurs most often. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Dodge
  • Ford (Focus, Fusion)
  • Jeep (Grand Cherokee, Liberty)
  • Mazda (Demio)
  • Nissan (Almera)
  • Volkswagen

Fault code P0610 can sometimes be found with other errors. The most common are the following: P0601, P0602, P0603, P0604, P0605, P0618, P0619, P062F, P06B8.


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